Capital of Angola, the most populous city with over 8 million inhabitants. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, including the famous Luanda Island Beach, which is a popular tourist destination. The culture is rich and diverse, reflecting the country's history and cultural influences. Some of the key characteristics of Angolan culture include:
Dance and Music: music and dance are an integral part of Angolan culture. Music styles include Kuduro, Semba, Kizomba, and Tarraxinha, among others. Traditional dances include Kabetula, Rebita, and Kazukuta.
Craftsmanship: Angola is renowned for its handicrafts, including basketry, weaving, wood and stone carvings, ceramics, and jewelry.
-Festivals: Angola has a series of festivals that celebrate the country's culture and history, including the Luanda Carnival, the Muxima Festival, and the Drum Festival.
Gastronomy: Angolan cuisine is a mix of African, European, and Brazilian influences, including dishes such as chicken muamba, calulu, palm oil beans, and funge.